General Conditions of Use

Remember this while you use ProStartKit


By engaging/purchasing our website development services, you warrant the following.

  • You are 18 years or older and have the capacity to enter into a contract.
  • If you are below 18 years you have the required legal assistance to enter into a contract and are using the account of a parent, guardian, or other adults who will be responsible for the activities on the account.


Prohibited Use

You will not use the website developed to promote the sale or provision of illegal goods and/ or services including but not limited to legally prohibited substances, legally prohibited activities, and pornographic material.



We do not own the pictures or images used on the populated theme website options. These remain the property of their original authors. By developing your website with us, you accept that you will not reproduce the theme chosen but you will use it for its intended purpose.



The website we develop for you in no way implies that the website theme will be exclusive to your website/business/company. The content (text and images) you submit to us for upload onto your website will remain exclusively yours. Should you choose not to change the images that appear on our website theme previews, we cannot guarantee that the same images will not appear on other websites whether they are those of your competitors or non-competitors.

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